St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church was founded in 2004 by a dedicated group of parishioners and the Very Reverend Father Marian Manolache. The church belongs to the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America.

Biserica Ortodoxa Romana Sfantul Andrei a fost întemeiata in 2004 de catre un grup de credinciosi dedicati credintei si de catre Parintele Paroh Marian Manolache. Biserica face parte din Episcopia Ortodoxa Romana din America.


Matei 16, 24-25

“Daca voieste cineva sa vina dupa Mine, sa se lepede de sine, sa-si ia crucea si sa Ma urmeze. Pentru ca oricine va vrea sa-si scape viata o va pierde; dar oricine îsi va pierde viata pentru Mine o va castiga.”

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”