St. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church is a nonprofit organization, built on the dedication of volunteers. The community strives to invest in many projects in the future, to sustain its active presence in the lives of its many attendants and families in Houston TX.

After 15 years, St. Andrew was able to acquire the property at 3240 Anderson Road, and the community set its sights on the hope to build an intimate, traditional Romanian Church on the land in the future. Please help us on this journey, any support will be much appreciated and can make a lasting impression on the community.


Donate / donatii

Your donation allows us to invest in projects that upkeep the property, purchase necessary day-to-day materials and host monthly community events. We appreciate any help!

Donatiile Dumneavoastra ne ajuta sa investim în mentinerea proprietatii, cumpararea materialeror necesare pentru cele de zi-de-zi, si organizarea meselor comunitare de sarbatori. Va apreciem mult donatia Dumneavoastra!


sign up / buletin parohial

Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates on Divine Services during the Holidays, cultural and philanthropic events within Saint Andrew Orthodox Church, and letters from the Reverend Father.

Daca doriti sa primiti informatii importante prin e-mail despre programul religios, evenimentele culturale si filantropice din cadrul Bisericii Sfantul Andrei, si corespondenta de la Parintele Paroh, va rugam sa va abonati mai jos.